Outings & Activities

2024-05-12: Watersports Weekend

This past weekend we had a wonderful time at the Allatoona aquatics base. We had perfect weather and we got to use kayaks, canoes, and paddle boards! Thank you to our grub masters for making great food and shout out to Elisiah who stepped up to be a grub master because we were short a grub master. We also made great time getting out of the campsite on Sunday. The weekend could not have had a better weekend! Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/PfDctVWtPJjdLq549 Will B. Troop Historian

Outings & Activities

2024-03-22: Troop Training Campout

Did you miss our March Campout? Here’s a recap! We went up to Bert Adams to enjoy the outdoors. Our scouts had a great time practicing essential scouting skills such as fire building, tool safety, and flag handling and raising. The rain on Friday night was not the best addition to the camp out but our scouts worked together to put up tents under the pavilion and carry them out into the rain. The camp out was a success and our scouts had an amazing time. Will B. Troop Historian Full Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/VvzdXoeQACo1rRFa9  

Court of Honor

2024-02: Court of Honor

This past Monday, we had our first Court of Honor of 2024 and boy was it jam packed! In just that last 6 months, our scouts have earned 37 merit badges, completed 33 rank advancements, we have 5 new eagle scouts, 11 other awards, plus 3 Foothills District Good Eggs. Our previous SPL Xan, also passed the leadership torch on to our new SPL Devin and the entire new leadership team was sworn in. Congratulations to all the scouts on all you’ve accomplished and thank you to the entire Troop 2319 Advancement Team, putting together a court of honor takes a lot of work and we really appreciate all you all do. Full Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/HyQhWYtwAVa3pB3TA

Outings & Activities

2024-01-21: Bert Adams Campout

Last weekend, Troop 2319 went cold weather camping at Bert Adam’s Scout Camp. We had lots of fun exploring in the woods, playing games, and making ropes. Everybody enjoyed the warm fire and great food in the freezing cold weather. We look forward to our next hopefully warmer camp out! — Troop Historian Evan B. Full Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/2FXfnBg8SMbSnyB39  

Outings & Activities

2023-12-02: Escalade

We kept our tradition alive with our annual lock in at Escalade, and boy what a fun night! Scouts were climbing, racing, playing games, & of course snacking until far later than I think several of our adults had hoped. Escalade is definitely always a highlight for our scouts and I’m sure we’ll be back again next year! Full Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/m64GFxAXnPDoxvsj8  

Outings & Activities

2023-10-31: Halloween Party

Last night, we held our annual Halloween Party and wow did we have some great costumes! It’s always so much fun to see everyone’s creativity and especially to see how the manage to participate in the games while in costume.. Boy was that spider web crawl a challenge for some of them! Between fun games, great snacks, & of course prizes, who could ask for a better night. Hope everyone has a very Happy Halloween tonight!


2023-10-22: Adopt A Mile

Thanks everyone who came out to our #KeepCobbBeaturif Adopt-A-Mile yesterday! The weather was just about perfect and you helped collect a ton of trash and kept it out of entering the storm water system, nice work!

Outings & Activities

2023-10-15: Providence Canyon

Last weekend, the troop headed south of Atlanta to Providence Canyon and wow, what a cool place!! We got there pretty late and setup in the dark, but when the sun rose on Saturday, it was clear just how amazing this place is. We hiked the rim and down into the canyon, learned a ton about how it formed, and even had some time in the afternoon to play games and relax. Word don’t do it justice, take a look at the highlights and head to the link to see all the amazing pictures from this campout. Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ULE7YMyA72SsuGUP7  

Court of Honor

2023-08: Court of Honor

This past Monday, we held our August Court of Honor and it was a big one! This week, we officially recognized and awarded, 45 Rank Advancements, 3 National Outdoor Achievement Camping segment, 8 National Outdoor Award Gold Devices, a Recruiter Strip, 3 Triple Crowns, and 199 Merit Badges! We also recognized our newest OA Ordeal & Brotherhood Members and the fact that we have the most 2023 Dues Paid OA Members of any troop in the entire Atlanta Area Council!   All of this has been achieved in just the past 6 months and really goes to show that our scouts never stop moving forwards. They are always working on that next rank, next merit badge, or award. This was an amazing Court of Honor, to all scouts, keep up the good work!   Full Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/UUsgJUBJNz4gqYn46

Outings & Activities

2023-08-19: More Trail Cooking

Not a weekend goes by that our scouts aren’t out practicing their scout skills! This past weekend several scouts headed out for a quick hike at Red Top Mountain to work on their Trail Cooking for the Cooking Merit Badge. Some lessons were definitely learned about portion sizing, following instruction & planning ahead, and the importance of repackaging food to reduce waste and weight. All said, their meals all looked pretty tasty and we couldn’t have asked for better weather on Saturday morning.

Outings & Activities

2023-08-13: Ocoee Weekend

For our August campout the troop went to Woodruff for White Water Rafting.  Scouts seemed to have an absolutely awesome time Whitewater Rafting on the Ocoee River! While older scouts were busy on the river, two leaders lead our first year scouts in some tree top ziplines! While the weather was hot the water felt refreshing.  Some of our first year scouts stayed back at camp and played manhunt. Grubmasters Roman, Brantley, Evan, Ryan, Abhinav made some delicious meals.  Everyone had a great weekend! — Mitchell A. Troop Historian Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/JNYPBepBc6U81MTP8

Outings & Activities

2023-06-03: Addison Elementary Bridge Repair

We’re right in that sweet spot between school & summer camp when most folks are out of town, so huge shout out and thank you to all those who helped with the Addison Elementary School Bridge Repair Service Project on Saturday. It wasn’t an Eagle Project, just something the troop offered to take on. We replaced rotten and unsafe parts of the bridge and fence railings, as well as added a few more structural braces to provide a little bit more stability to the bridge. Thank you Mr. Kerns for planning and organizing this awesome project!   *And also thank you Mike & Cole W. who were at the project for nearly the entire time, but had to head out mere minutes before a group picture was taken at the end (sorry!)   Full Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/SF6estuBdpRKWXXh6