2023-09-15: SpaceX
The weekend, we headed to Bert Adams for a weekend of rocket launching! We had a ton of fun building our rockets on Saturday Morning with the help of copious amounts of glue. After lunch it we returned to the field to see who’s would go the highest. Some went more sideways than up, and the weather moved in until we were eventually launching it what was clearly rain, but it was still a fantastic afternoon! Huge shout out and thank you to our RSOs for the weekend Mr. Kolluri & Mr. Leftwich who braved the rain and kept helping scouts get their rockets off the ground regardless of the weather! We finished up by policing the field to collect the dozens of spent rocket motors and headed back to our campsite for a evening of good food and campfire program. Despite the rain, it was still a pretty awesome weekend. Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/D8SLJ1tB8NqxUKBn6