Outings & Activities

Camporall 2019

This weekend at Camporall, Webelos and AOL scouts from Pack 1714 joined us for a great time. We arrived on Friday night and setup camp while it was wet and dark. On Saturday we joined a scavenger hunt with Colonel Tom and our visiting scouts. We scurried around camp to get pictures to prove everything we found on the list. The afternoon consisted of Ultimate Frisbee, board games, manhunt and other games. Our campfire turned into an evening show due to the rain. The troop cheered as we won the scavenger hunt with a whopping 216 points. After the evening program we headed back to the campsite and played board games under the pavilion because of the rain. On Sunday morning we went to the Scout’s own service to remind us of our faith. Then we packed up and headed home.

Click the collage below to see all the great photos from this past weekend!

Gavin H.
Troop 2319 Historian


Congrats to our new OA Vigil Honor Recipient

Our very own Avery Shumpert completed his Vigil Honor Induction this weekend at Trailblazer. A quick recap for those who don’t know, there are three levels in the Order of the Arrow, Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil Honor. Receiving Vigil Honor is exceedingly rare as the process involves getting nominated by your peers within the OA and getting approve by committee and national, before completing your Vigil Honor Induction. The Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge had roughly 900 registered OA members at the end of last year, and out of all those members across the Atlanta Area Council only 12-15 were selected this year to receive the Vigil Honor and Avery was selected as part of that very small group. He is the first new Vigil Honor recipient from our district since 2011! Next time you see him, be sure to give him a big congratulations as he is the first chapter member to receive the Vigil Honor is several years! CONGRATULATIONS AVERY, you deserve it!

Outings & Activities

Lake Allatoona

The troop had a great time at Lake Allatoona last week. Even though this was a second campout in September for our troop and was put together just a couple weeks out and scheduled over Cobb Fall Break, we still had a dozen happy campers to enjoy the terrific weather! It was a relaxing weekend of fishing, games, and fun. Some scouts even just used the time to relax out it nature. Our make up troop outing wasn’t the only thing happening at Lake Allatoona though. Troop 2319 would like to give an extra shout out to Todd & Connor Angel and Steve Carlin for completing their first of three High Adventure Resource Training weekends for Powder Horn! Thanks for stopping by our campsite in your free time. As always, click the collage below to check out the full album!


Scout Picture Day!

We had a great scout picture day! Check your email for the link to the full set of photos, but for now, check out how great these pics came out! We look forward to continuing this tradition of having a scout picture day every year so parents have an extra record of just how much can change in a single year.

Outings & Activities

Indian Lore

On this camping trip we went to historic Red Clay State Park to earn the Indian Lore merit badge.  We were taught by a Cherokee Indian named Jamie Russell.  Jamie taught us about the different dances and social life of the Cherokee.  He also taught us about the combat and hunting methods of the Cherokee.  Saturday afternoon we played some of the games he taught us and we built model wigwam homes.  The last thing we did was share Native American stories, signals, or discuss famous Native American people. As always, click the collage below to see the full album of pictures!


Gavin H.
Troop 2319 Historian


Help At Unity

A big thank you to the youth and adults who got home from this weekend’s camp out and came right back out to Unity to help get setup for their World Day of Prayer Celebration. Although I didn’t make it last year, I hear that it is a really cool event. If you’re available, I highly recommend trying to stop by Unity beginning this Wednesday night (overnight) through Thursday Afternoon! Thanks again to everyone who helped!

Court of Honor

Court of Honor

What a great Court of Honor with Troop 2319. The scouts have accomplished so much over the past 3 months, it’s truly incredible. We awarded 153 merit badges and 27 ranks. That’s quite a lot for only the past three months! We also had the privileged of awarding Scorpio his first three palms, Nick his fifth palm, and Avery his fourteenth and fifteenth palms! Thank you to all our all our leaders who help keep the troop running and congratulations to all the scouts again.  We ended our Court of Honor with the tradition of passing off the Troop flag from our previous SPL to our new one, Jay Wasser. We welcome Jay and are excited for him to start his role as our next SPL.

Outings & Activities

Troop, Crew, Pack Picnic

Wow it’s been a busy couple of weeks. We rounded off our Troop Outings & Activities with a Troop, Crew, Pack Picnic on Lake Allatoona. There were lots of indoor and outdoor games for scouts to enjoy and with over 125 people attending, there was plenty of people to enjoy them with. The troop would also like to extend our thanks to Chad Carter for bringing his professional grade grille and acting as our grill master for the day.  The food was delicious! Thank you Chad as well as everyone else who brought a dessert and or side to share! As usual, click the image below to see the full album.


Troop Elections!

On Monday the troop held elections for the leadership positions in the troop. Great job to all who ran! Our new SPL is Jay Wasser and his ASPL’s are Jeremy Andre and Michael Carlin. The new patrol leaders are Aiden Mihill for the Flaming Gremlins patrol and Aiden Pinwarden for the Kraken patrol. Other positions include Gavin Huey as Historian, Cavin Davis as Troop guide, Robert Carlin as OA rep, Avery Shumpert as Troop instructor and several more! The official leadership change will occur next week at our troop’s Court of Honor. There will be a PLC for the incoming leadership on Sept 2nd for the new leadership to start setting their goals and laying out their plan.


Michael C.
Troop 2319 Historian

Outings & Activities

Buggy Top Cave

On Saturday August 17 the troop went up to Buggy Top and Peter Caves in Sherwood, TN. Due to the extremely hot weather the troop decided not to camp but to go on a day trip. The troop drove up early Saturday morning and hiked in. The older scouts went to Peters cave and the rest of the troop went to Buggy Top cave. The cave was at a perfect temperature and little slippery at times with pools of water below.  Even though it was very hot outside the scouts had a great time.


Michael C.
Troop 2319 Historian

Court of Honor, Eagle Scout

Inaugural Eagle COH: Robert ‘Scorpio’ Carlin

The Troop held it’s first Eagle Court of Honor today for Robert ‘Scorpio’ Carlin! It’s been a long time coming, congratulations! It was a fantastic ceremony with a great MC. It was great to see so many people there to celebrate the day with Robert, and a special thank you to Rev. Richard Burdick and Unity North for being in attendance and allowing us to have such a special ceremony in the main sanctuary. Click the link below to check out some of the great pictures from the ceremony & after party.

Outings & Activities

Pulp & Paper

The scouts had an amazing time at the Pulp & Paper MB outing! We had 20+ scouts and leaders head down to the George W. Mead Paper Education Center where they got to learn about the history and process of making paper, and then they actually got to help make some paper! We wrapped up the evening with some review back at Unity and followed it up with a game night and lockin at the church. What a great time!

Outings & Activities

Summer Camp

The Troop had an absolutely fantastic week at summer camp! With 40+ people in camp, the troop just barely fit into its favorite campsite at Woodruff. Unfortunately, early numbers for next year already indicate we will once again have so many scouts that we will have to camp in a different site. What a great problem to have! We did experience a little rain on our first day up at camp, but that quickly got out of the way and we were presented with some of the best weather we’ve ever had for summer camp. The temperatures were comfortable during the day and cool at night. Just perfect for a week of camping. Check out the daily recaps below and don’t forget to check out the Summer Camp album for all the great pictures that the leaders & youth took throughout the week!

Monday: Brendan Scavelli was a Troop hero today by earning three requirements toward honor Troop. He fired three rifle shots that could be covered by a dime, fired three arrows into the bullseye, then caught three bass in the lake. Jeremy Andre earned a slushy chip for his cheerful service to other Scouts at meals and Xan Mihill earned the other slushy chip for working extra hard during the shower house cleaning.

Tuesday: The boys were in great spirits as they continued to work on their merit badges today. After lunch the rappelling tower was a huge hit. As some of you know, we are released from dinner formation based on a random criteria discovered after we send a scout to the flag pole. Tonight we sent Avery. Then they announced that the troops would be released from dinner from lowest to highest rank. The other troops’ scouts shook his hand as our troop ate last. Dead last. What a glorious loss.

Wednesday: Merit badges continued today with almost perfect weather. Larry and Andrew headed home and welcomed Todd and Opa for our midweek leader swap. We had 4 boys have a great time on the trail ride and 16 went out in the white water raft trip. (pictures 107-111)

Thursday: Several older scouts went on the Ocoee rafting trip (pictures 3835-3843) and several others made the trek to the Davis Inn. Leader’s were also invited to a special dinner put on by the camp staff.

Friday: We have nice crisp cool weather this morning and everyone is in their sweatshirts. The boys are having lots of fun and we all are enjoying the cooler temperatures. Today the boys will finish up their merit badges. We have two scouts swimming the mile swim this afternoon so we will be cheering on Nick and Thomas. We’ll see a few of you this afternoon/evening for family night. Remember gates close at noon and the troop is camping in campsite 16. Don’t forget to pick up a sandwich or a bucket of chicken on the way to camp if you forgot to RSVP for the troop’s chicken dinner at our campsite.