
Automotive Maintenance MB at Porsche

Porsche offered the Automotive Maintenance MB again and it looks like it was an amazing time! There’s no other place where scouts are going to get the chance to actually see and work on all the inner components of Porsche. How cool!

(click the collage below for the full album)

Eagle Scout, News

David Ripley: Work Day

Over the weekend, scouts from 2319 led by David Ripley, who is working on his Eagle Scout Project, assembled 8 new benches for UNA! Our Troop is blessed to be part of the UNA family and we can’t wait to see what the next Eagle Project @ Unity North Atlanta will be! Congratulations and great work David, you had a good plan that was well executed to get the job done!


Crossover Pack 1714

An excited group of AOL Scouts from Pack 1714 crossed over into Troop 2319 last Thursday night. Congratulations on your transition from Cub Scouts into a Scouts BSA Troop. Welcome to the troop, we’re so happy to be part of our journey on the long trail to Eagle!

(click the image below to see the full album)

*If you have photos from Pack 1417’s Crossover and would like to share them, please email [email protected] for sharing instructions


Crossover Pack 1417

Troop 2319 is super excited to welcome our new crossovers from Pack 1417! Last night we welcomed eight new scouts from Pack 1417 from Davis Elementary to join our Troop. We’re happy to be part of your scouting trial to Eagle and look forward to getting to know all of you at our upcoming campouts and meetings!

(click the image below to see the full album. More & higher quality pictures will be added soon!)

*If you have photos from Pack 1417’s Crossover and would like to share them, please email [email protected] for sharing instructions


News, OA Kennesaw

Troop 2319 Earns the OA Unit of Excellence for 2019!

On behalf of Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge of the Order of the Arrow, I want to congratulate Troop 2319 on having earned the Order of the Arrow Unit of Excellence Award for 2019.  This is a unique and distinctive honor as less than 1% of all the troops, crews and ships in the BSA earn this award each year.  Within our Lodge the award has only been presented six times since 2012.  Only two other units earned the award for 2019.

Thank you to all the OA Youth and Adults who helped make this possible by attending OA Functions, planning troop events so they don’t overlap with the Lodge schedule, and overall just proving that Troop 2319 doesn’t just claim to support the Order of the Arrow, it actually stands behind it! Receiving the OA Unit of Excellence is a great honor from the National Honor Society of Scouting.  For more information about the OA Unit of Excellence, you can check out Again thank you to everyone who helped Troop 2319 be the only troop in the district to earn this award and one of three in the council to received it for 2019. Congratulations!!


Congratulations on the new ranks!

The pace of advancement never ceases to amaze me at Troop 2319. In 1 night we had 4 scouts get awarded new ranks! If this is any indication, our March Court of Honor is going to be jam packed with ranks, awards, and recognition! For now, we say congratulations to:

  • Sebastian on earning Tenderfoot
  • Everest on earning 2nd Class
  • Cavin on earning Star
  • Garv on earning First Class

Click the college below to see all our great “miscellaneous” photos and join the album to get notifications when new photos are added!

And check out our “Hope for Humanity” circles that are going to be incorporated into Unity North Atlanta’s 2020 Global Mandala! Click here to find the best time to come stop by and check out the entire Mandala before it’s gone!


Important Moments

Along with all the outing photo albums, Troop 2319 also likes to try and capture the special moments in our scouters’ journeys. To that end, we have a “miscellaneous” photo album that helps us aggregate and share these moments. The most recent additions are some wonderful scouts getting presented their new ranks after successfully completing their Boards of Review! As always, you can click the collage to see all the miscellaneous photos we’ve aggregated over the years. If you currently have or take any photos of these important milestones in the future, please email them to [email protected] or upload them to Google Drive and share the folder. Thank you everyone who has helped capture photos like these! (ahem… Steve Carlin)

Outings & Activities

The National Infantry Museum at Ft. Benning

This weekend Troop 2319 went on a campout to see the National Infantry Museum near Fort Benning in Columbus, GA. The scouts got to tour the museum and learn about the history of our nation’s Army. We spent hours their learning about the history of tanks, wars, the Medal of Honor, and so much more! After the Museum we returned to our campsite and despite the cold the scouts still had fun playing games for the rest of the day. We finished up Saturday night with a cozy campfire. Sunday morning, we got our gear packed up and our Chaplin’s Aide, Ben M., held a Scout’s own service before we got on the road for the long drive home. (Don’t forget to click the collage below to see the full album of photos as there were a LOT)

Gavin H.
Troop 2319 Historian

Outings & Activities

Escalade Climbing Lockin

Troop 2319 had a great time over the weekend at our annual lockin at Escalade Climbing Gym! The scouts had fun and got to climb into the early morning hours. Even after the climbing was done, nearly all of the scouts continue playing games, and having fun for several more hours. Click the collage below to see the full album of photos for the lockin!


Crossovers – Pack 471

Welcome to Troop 2319! Last night we welcomed five new scouts from Pack 471 to join our Troop! We’re happy to be part of your scouting trial to Eagle and look forward to getting to know all of you at our upcoming campouts and meetings!

Court of Honor

December Court of Honor

Troop 2319 held it’s final Court of Honor of the year this past Monday, December 9th. Our Master of Ceremonies, Ben M., did a fantastic time leading our program! Thank you to all who attended and helped congratulate our scouts on the:

  • 25+ Merit Badges Earned
  • 12 New Ranks Awarded
  • 4 Boy Scout World Conservation Emblems Presented
  • 10 Emergency Preparedness Pins Given Out
  • 7 Kayaking Emblems Finished
  • 3 Powered Horn Completions
  • And 7 Scouts Received at least one segment towards The National Outdoor Achievement Award

Our Troop OA Representative also gave us a quick annual recap of our troop’s contribution to the OA Chapter & Lodge. In total, our troop has provided over 300 hours of community service to the Lodge & Community and has continued to be the most active troop in the district in the OA by far! I think it’s safe to say that it’s been very busy at Troop 2319 over the last 3 months! Again, congratulations to all our scouts on everything they have achieved! Click the image collage below to check out the full album of Court of Honor photos.

Outings & Activities

Gold Mining Merit Badge

The Troop had an amazing time this weekend at Scoutland Scout Camp and had the opportunity to visit Crisson Gold Mine. Crisson Gold Mine was an open pit gold mine and now serves to educate the public about the gold mining process. We got to see tons of different types of mining including a giant rock crusher in action. They even let every scout hold a jar with $15,000 in gold in it! We got to pan for gold and even for gems. When we got back to Scoutland, we explored and played around the camp until late afternoon and when we got back to the campsite, the adults had made a huge fire for everyone to sit and enjoy the evening around! Click the collage below to see all the great pictures!


News, OA Kennesaw

OA Induction

Troop 2319 would like to congratulate Jeremy A. on completing his Ordeal this past weekend to become a member in the Order of the Arrow. Next time you see him, be sure to congratulate him! Troop 2319 also had numerous other members attend the Induction this past weekend who helped out from serving as Elangomats, to Ceremony Support, to Camp Staff, and Service Project Volunteers. Thank you to all who attended, together we helped the OA Lodge complete over 450 hours of service for Bert Adams Scout Camp. With all the work that was completed this past weekend, we have cut down the amount of work for the Bert Adams Rangers by nearly a month! You can check out photos from the weekend by clicking the collage below.