Day 1:
Troop 2319 made it to Woodruff in one piece and was right on time for check-ins. Because we had already submitted all of our medical forms we were able to quickly make it to camp orientation. This year we were lucky and got Michael and Cole for orientation.We finished quickly got to our campsite. Setting up camp went smoothly and we were able to enjoy dinner before leaving for the opening campfire ceremony. Sadly, we never made it to the amphitheater before it started raining so hard that it was canceled. Our troop recovered though and got a good night of sleep before the first day of camp.
Day 2:
The first day of Merit badge classes! Today the scouts had their first badge sessions of the week. They got to meet their instructors and make many new friends. After a great filling dinner some scouts went to an Appalachian folkfest and a select group of scouts canoed across Lake woodruff to go hammock camping.
Day 3:
Today we had perfect weather with a high of 81 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of 49 degrees Fahrenheit. The scouts who went for the canoe overnighter made it to the dining hall just in time for breakfast. After dinner the OA had their ice cream social and there and at the amphitheater there was the spooffinator.
Day 4:
Today was a beautiful day with a few clouds and a ton of sunshine. It was hot day but everyone was drinking water and staying cool. We are on track to be successful in earning honor patrol and scout tradition. After dinner there was an interfaith service at the chapel and flag retirement at the amphitheater and back at camp Doug made a spectacular fire and followed all the fire safety regulations. Overall we had a great day.
Day 5:
Today troop 2319 was in cheerful spirits because merit badges are almost done and in few days we’ll be heading home. It looks like we are going to finish honor patrol and scout tradition with the hard work from Devin and his ASPLs. Tonight we have open boating led by our ASM, Avery Shumpert. We are all set for a great last day tomorrow.
Day 6:
The final day of camp! Today everyone finished up their merit badge classes for a successful week of camp. After lunch Mr. Lair and Will Ballenger participated in the mile swim. Then our troop travelled around camp to compete in the camp wide games. Camp was ended with a closing campfire ceremony and a ton of fun skits.
Historian – Will B.