Scouting does not have to only exist with in person events. If you find yourself not being able to attend scout meetings in person then please take advantage of the resources that leaders within Troop 2319 have put together to help you continue your scouting journey.

Tips and Tricks for Virtual Scouting

  • Conduct virtual Patrol Leaders Council meetings via teleconference or web video conferencing. Ensure to maintain two-deep leadership throughout the virtual meeting. 
  • Encourage Patrol Leaders to communicate digitally with their patrol members.
  • Conduct online merit badge counselor meetings using web video conferencing tools such as Google Hangouts, Zoom, Skype, FreeConference or Facebook. Ensure to maintain two-deep leadership throughout the virtual meeting. Note completing a worksheet and emailing it does not constitute a “virtual discussion”, rather use interactive video or phone conversations.
  • Scouting Realms Game

Troop 2319 Merit Badge Classes

Other Scout Skills

Check out some of the other scout skills you can work on and learn, right from your own home!


Other Scouting Online Resources

Other Online Merit Badge Opportunities

  • Constituting America – Work on requirements for your Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge
  • Code Easily – Complete requirements for a variety of STEM Merit Badges!