Outings & Activities

2023-05-21: Cycling MB Ride 4

Our Cycling MB Scouts had another successful ride last weekend! This was their 4th ride and just a touch over 6 miles. Next up, the first of two 8 mile rides and then a 22 miler.. Great work scouts, way to keep busy, get outside, and work on a MB together outside of our normal troop meetings & campouts!
Outings & Activities

2023-05-12: Watersports Weekend

This past weekend had to be one of the most fun weekend outings we’ve done yet! We headed up to Scoutland On Lanier Scout Camp for a weekend of watersports fun. We arrived just before dark and got setup on Friday, but this outing was all about Saturday… Scouts spent all day in kayaks, canoes, paddle boards, swimming, and of course tubing! I don’t think I saw an upset face all day!! But don’t take my word for it, follow the link for the full album as there were just too many pictures to share this time!
Outings & Activities

2023-04-28: Skymont

On Friday, we headed up to Skymont Scout Reservation, a camp we have never been to before, for a weekend of fun and relaxation. The drive was long, but getting see a new camp was great! A few scouts practiced some advancement, everyone spent a good chunk of the day exploring the camp, some went fishing, a few played some disc golf in the afternoon, and a lot of scouts were able to complete their Second Class, First Class, and Camping Merit Badge Cooking Requirements. The weather on Saturday couldn’t have been more perfect, what a great time it is to be out camping!

Full Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/yjEcWd38QJ5oaJi18


2023: Scout Picture Day!

In addition to CPR Training & Advancement last week, we also had one of our favorite activities of the year, our Annual Scout Picture Day! The pictures came out great and we added getting patrol pictures this year too. Link to all the photos will be emailed out shortly.

Outings & Activities

2023-04-23: Another Northern Tier Prep in the Bag!

This past weekend, we had another group of scouts take on a Northern Tier Prep weekend. The weathered severe storms on Friday Night, thankfully the rain was gone by Saturday morning which lead to a near perfect weather. Scouts learned about how to pack the packs used to transport gear at Northern Tier and practiced wet entering & portaging canoes! It looks like they had a great time, thank you Steve Carlin for putting together and running this training for our scouts to get them ready for this summer!

Full Photo Album:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/UrXXbBpBtLA7cvA9A

Outings & Activities

2023-03: Northern Tier Prep Weekend

This weekend, several of our scouts and leaders headed up to Allatoona Aquatics Base for a weekend of training and prep work as they gear up for Northern Tier. Everything was practiced, from how to properly enter the canoe, to how to portage a canoe, to carry the gear bag that can weigh in excess of 70lbs. I have to say, it sounds like a lot of work, but if you look at their faces, it looks like they all had a great time!


Outings & Activities

2023-03-26: Troop Training Campout

This weekend was the troop training camp out at Camp Jameson.  For many this was their first-time camping with the troop. The day started with a little rain but our grub masters preserved and had breakfast ready. After breakfast the older scouts set up their classes in the pouring rain.  We were lucky to have a big pavilion to use.  The older scouts taught the Firem’n Chit, Totin Chit, First Aid Kits, Knots, and Flags to the younger scouts.  Many scouts are now ready to move to scout rank.  After classes we played some games in the field and the woodyard was open.  Time quickly passed and it was time for dinner and the campfire program.  Pranav hosted the campfire program which was enjoyed by all.  We then started a game of manhunt which was unfortunately interrupted.  We were notified that severe weather was on the way overnight and we would have to immediately pack up and leave camp.  By 10pm the entire troop was packed and ready to depart.  We headed back to Highland Plaza for a late night unloading of the trailer.  Everyone had a great time despite the campout being cut short.

Troop Historian
Mitchell A.

We also want to quickly shout out Doug P. who decided to use some of his free time to learn about Fire Pistons, made his own char cloth, and was able to actually get a fire started from a Fire Piston. Not an easy task to say the least. Great use of you free time Doug!

Full Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Zh7jZgd8otT7kypU9



2023-03: Adopt-A-Mile

We had our first Keep Cobb Beautiful Adopt A Mile of the year yesterday, the sun may have been shining, but the blowing wind made this a chilly one. Still, thanks to everyone who came out to help, we were able to get 7+ bags of trash off the streets and properly disposed. Adopt A Miles are always a lot of fun and a great way to give back to the community.

Outings & Activities

2023-03-18: Pack 1417 Crossover

Keep looking for new faces, Pack 1417 held their crossover on Saturday at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, where Abhinav K. officially completed his Cub Scout Journey and joined Troop 2319 on to continue his Trail to Eagle! Congrats and thank you for allowing us to be the next step on our trail. We look forward to getting to know you better!

Outings & Activities

2023-03-18: Cycling MB Ride #2

For our second ride of the cycling Merit Badge, we headed up to Blankets Creek yesterday. It was just a quick ride, but sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. What a great way to spend a couple hours!
Cycling Merit Badge Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/arjR3WpSgeKnbNjy6
Outings & Activities

2023-03-04: Cycling MB Ride #1

Scouts enjoyed he Cycling Merit Badge when we offered it in 2021 that we’re offering it again and the the scouts just finished their first ride this weekend! It was just a short 3 mile ride to start off the program. The weather was perfect and the scouts looked like they had an awesome time. Already looking forward to the next ride.

Court of Honor

2023-02: Court of Honor

It’s done! The stats are in. We had our February Court of Honor earlier this week an over just the last 6 months, 2319 scouts completed:

  • 71 Merit Badges
  • 34 rank advancements with
    • 1 scout earning Scout Rank
    • 6 earning Tenderfoot
    • 2 Second Class
    • 2 First Class
    • 7 Star Rank
    • 12 earned Life Rank
    • 4 new Eagle Scouts!
  • We have also welcomed 16 new scouts to our troop
  • Handed out 15 Special awards to scouts
  • And 4 Good Eggs recognizing s a few of our adult volunteers who help make it all happen

What an incredible night! Massive shout out to the Advancement Team who helps track, purchase, organize all these accomplishments and coordinates our Court of Honors. We couldn’t do it without you! Check out a couple of the highlights below or follow the link to see the full album.

Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Wa82cJURofVWeQrf7


Eagle Scout, News

Eagle Scout Recognition

Thank you Cobb County Commissioners for inviting Troop 2319’s recent Eagle Scouts to your monthly meeting this week to recognize their great accomplishments. Becoming an Eagle Scout is one of the highest honors a scout can earn. It was so great to see them being recognized for that accomplishment. What an awesome experience they will remember for years to come!



Pack 1714 Crossover

We’ve got more new scouts! Pack 1714 held their Crossover a few days ago at Mt. View Elementary where several of their Arrow of Light scouts transitioned from their Cub Pack to our Scout Troop. We are so excited to be part of their journey on their Trail to Eagle. Be sure to stop by and introduce yourself when you see them at their first troop meeting tonight!

Full Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/JXwHR1UEzftecYPq5